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Institutional Review Board Resources

IRB Required Trainings

Depending on the type of research being conducted, your Institutional Review Board may require certain training courses to be completed. The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) is a popular website for required IRB trainings. 

Consent Form Template

This is a template created by Princeton University to make the IRB application process easier. 

Materials and Measures Template

This is a template created by the ARC lab to make the IRB application process easier. 

IRB Template

This is a template created by the ARC lab to make the IRB application process easier. This template makes it possible for multiple lab members to work on an IRB application (if used in Google Docs).

Debriefing Form Template

This is a template created by the ARC lab by referencing one developed by Lehigh University, to make the IRB application process easier. 

IRB Cover Letter Template

This is a template created by the ARC lab to help with responding to IRB stipulations. 

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